Grenade Gloves Outerwear Grenade Gloves is a snowboarding / lifestyle apparel company owned by Danny Kass. Danny Kass has earned 5 U.S. Open Championships, 7 Winter X Games medals and 2 Olympic silver medals. The Grenade Gloves apparel line up consists of outerwear, graphic T’s, shoes, cut n sew, denim and of course GLOVES. Shown here …
Apparel Design Fred Meyer
By MarkJ
Fred Meyer Kids Korner tee shirt graphics The Fred Meyer Kids Korner brand is one of 17 private labels owned by Fred Meyer. Fred Meyer is Northwest superstore chain with over 130 different locations through out Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska. Visit Fred Meyer HERE Scope of this project includes: • Graphic design, photo editing, develop quarterly …
Apparel Design Fred Meyer
By MarkJ
Fred Meyer private label graphics Fred Meyer is a Northwest superstore chain with over 130 different locations through out Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska. Scope of this project includes: • Apparel design, repeat pattern design, quarterly theme design and photo editing – Mark Johnson